Hot Weather Curing
Pouring concrete in hot weather, can turn into a nightmare if you don't cure it properly. After your concrete is poured and firm (6 - 12 hr later). The first thing you need to do is... KEEP THAT BABY WET! When I say baby I mean it, I always tell people concrete is sort of like a baby: when its very young, if you keep it warm and wet (rather than dry) it will grow up to be a strong reliable adult. Neglect it and you will have to live with the problem child for many years!
How to keep it wet?
Sprinklers, Misting Systems, Sprayers, Wet sheets.
Regardless of how the water is distributed, it needs to get on there as soon as it gets hard!!! If your concrete dries out even once in the curing stage it will lose strength... Remember itโs a baby treat it like one.
Cold Weather Curing
In cold weather concrete cures at a slower rate of speed. Concrete should be kept at 12 degrees C & above for the first 7 days, at 7 days your should reach 75% of your strength.
If concrete should freeze in the first 72 Hrs. it can damage it to a non - reparable state.